
Check out these great articles and videos on Twin Creek Ranch
Waterfowl Hunting Packages

The vortex of green heads is a prairie tornado above the stubble field where you hide. A patient retriever by you side, you sneak around the bend of Flat Willow Creek and 50 honkers erupt. Scenes like this are played out every fall in the Heart of Montana at Twin Creek Ranch. Strategically placed in the central flyway as a rest stop to southern migrating waterfowl, Twin Creek ranch combines the best of agricultural food sources and resting water. When the mallards, geese and other waterfowl are migrating Twin Creek can be an explosive destination. Although we do not provide a pure waterfowl hunt if the waterfowl are present at the time of your hunt, and assuming you have the correct licenses we can combine your waterfowl hunt with your pheasant hunt to double your hunting experience without additional charge. All this combined with the luxury of our lodge, great dogs, and the level of service you would expect from the most exclusive hunting destination in Montana. Give us a call at the ranch to set up your wing shooting hunt of a lifetime. 406.429.5615 or twncrkrnch@midrivers.com
